Change- Drama

(The scene unfolds in a cozy parlor. The Father sits, reading a newspaper, while his PA stands by.)

Oyin, the daughter, enters, engrossed in a phone call.

Oyin: (frustrated) ...because of this fuel nonsense, I couldn't make it... (listens) What?! Dollar's skyrocketed! (pauses, glancing at her dying phone) Battery's almost dead... No light for three days. (bitterly) I'm leaving this country before it kills me.

She ends the call and greets her father.

Father: How are you, Oyin?

Oyin: (forced smile) Fine, Dad... Just fine.

(Tyson, the first son, enters, receiving a call.)

Tyson: (nonchalant) True man, inflation's no big deal... We'll survive.

(His phone dies."

Tyson: (laughs) Battery mi fe ku! Light'll come.

He greets his father.

Father: How are you, Tyson?

Tyson: (briefly) Awesome, Dad. Perfectly great.

(Noah, the last son, enters on a call."

Noah: (concerned) ...Yes, her medical condition worsened due to hospital power outages... Naira's drop hit my business hard... Spent 12,000 naira to fill my tank today

(He ends the call and greets his father.

Father: How are you, Noah?

Noah: (weary) Tired, sir... How about you?

Father: Managing.

(Noah leaves.)

Father: (to PA) Who handled the situation best?

PA: Tyson, sir. He seemed optimistic.

Father: (sternly) Wrong. Tyson's in denial.

PA: (curious) But, sir...

Father: Denial solves nothing. Noah faced reality, accepted it, and planned accordingly. That's resilience.

PA: (nodding) I understand.

Father: Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

(He stands to leave.)

Father: Change is coming to Nigeria.

PA: (smiling) Supporting Buhari, sir?

Father: (laughs) No. I trust God.

(The scene closes with the PA pondering.)


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