This article was developed by a veteran breeder, and I agree with the content wholeheartedly.

Author : AbdulKareem Ahmed
Topic    : Selective Breeding

Mating Pedigree dogs Is a step in the right direction because you're promoting and maintaining purity. You've left the stage where you might be populating nuisance and devaluing the breed.. it's a good start to go for only Pedigrees and discourage mutts in the society... But all that is not enough!
There is a breed standard for each dog, and ‎ "when a dog doesn't  conform to the breed standard *it loses it's reputation as a member of that breed*" Beyond that, you're not just trying to conform your dog to the breed standard you're trying to beautify it to the best you can.. Still within the breed standard, To achieve this you do what is called "Selective Breeding.
Based on what was said about "Reputation" we can also say  "it loses its credibility" ....

This is where the value of a Pedigree is emphasised, ‎Because you can now delve into the dogs history. With proper research you can reveal the temperaments, traits, and health of the ancestors. Note that this isn't easy.... With these information you can begin to plan your matings/Breeding Pairing  more effectively... Which traits do you want to solidify and which do you want to eradicate. Selecting a mating pair based on the history they possess to produce a more enhanced and more inclined to the Breed Standard of that Breed in areas of Health, Temperament and Confirmation  progeny is or can be termed "Selective breeding".

Also note that you cannot be a  successful selective breeder over the years with or without the Breeding Method/Patterns Linebreeding, inbreeding,Outbreeding, Outcrossing Etc  ...

Qtn: Can all the features in a single dog be in line with the breed standards? if yes, Then  lots of dogs should be scoring 100% !
Answer : I'm sure you've heard of terms like passmarks, undesirable traits and disqualifiers. It is of note that every Breed has its Template for Scoring and Grading each part of the Dog. Which is usually a CheckMate or Benchmark  for the Breed Judge or Appraiser as the case maybe.

‎The breed standard is not only sets the standard for judges and appraiser  to score your dog. The breed standard defines the breed and it's features,So when I say a dog conforms to the breed standard not that it's perfect but that it has passed the passmark , So you may see a couple of undesirable tests traits (as stated by the standard) but no disqualifier.
You just strive to be better, preserve and Improve the Exciting and Improve on it. But if it's a disqualifier meaning that trait should not be seen in a dog or a dog must have it. Then that dog becomes a poor representative of the breed and therefore loses its credibility. Lossing it Credibility does not make it another breed but would fall under the "Pet Quality"!

‎A non ped doesn't make it impure. It doesn't make it pure. It's unknown. Been unknown means you cannot certify purity and if it isn't a pure dog, then to what essence are you trying to verify whether it conforms or not? Because breed standard tells you whether your dog can be bred or not. And you know if your dog is unknown you should not breed it because you'll be breeding blindly. That goes against the very definition of a breeder...

I would love to add this, If para venture there is a dog that looks to good to be Ignored and conforms to the breed in area that define the breed such as Health, Temperament and of course Conformation, and is not with an accurate Ancestral Documentation or Pedigree,  Then DNA PROFILING could be the next option to ascertain it's Genuinity of what it protrays to be.
This is because every Breed has his own Genetic Identification or Marker. Once the correlation differences between the progeny and acclaimed parent can not be traced to the Breed Genetic Marker/Identification  then such a dog is Excepted.


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